Top 5 Aviation Infographics

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Top Aviation Services

67 million passengers flew worldwide in 1960 and 5 billion passengers flew worldwide in 2010. In 1960 there were no security procedures and no I.D was necessary, now a days 54% of travellers think that queues at security are too long, and 25% think security rules are excessive.

top aviation servicesSource: skyscanner

Jubilee Aviation Infographic – How Flying Has Changed

There have been some clear changes over the six decades, like the introduction of jet airliners and airport security… and some less obvious variations – it’s easy to disremember we all used to smoke like chimneys and stewardesses wore high heels!

jubilee aviation infographic – how flying has changedSource: monarch

Let’s Fly Away UK Aviation Statistics

If you’re planning on jetting away any time soon, check out these facts and figures on UK aviation. Find out which airports people are flying from, and where they’re flying to, where you might find delays and the truth about some common aviation myths.

let’s fly away uk aviation statistics Source: direct-travel

Aviation as the Enabler

Aviation economic activity in local communities, transported nearly $562.1 billion of goods by air in 2008, added $249.2 billion in direct expenditures by visiting air travelers and supported 2.1 million jobs in the U.S.

aviation as the enablerSource: faa

Why the Airlines are Bankrupt

The easiest way to become a millionaire is to start out a billionaire and go into the airline business. You just spent $500 on holiday airfare, including baggage fees, change fees, and a fuel surcharge – yet all you got to eat on the flight was a tiny bag of peanuts. So how is it possible that America’s largest airlines are losing money? In November, American Airlines filed for bankruptcy, joining the 20 other airlines that have filed dor chapter 11 protection in the last 10 years.

why the airlines are bankruptSource: frugaldad

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