5 Ways to save money on your Car Insurance (Infographic)

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Nowadays saving money in everything we can is very important and even more when is something abstract like an insurance that they do NOT give us anything unless we have a problem (and also they want to give us a response).

A recent study carried out by the leading Comparison Site Insurance and Financial Aggregator in Latin America elMejorTrato.com (Argentina, México and Colombia) and oMelhorTrato.com in Brasil.

On average, worldwide, women pay 17% less on their car insurance through insurance companies that operate and implement the Factor “Sex” in their algorithm to calculate the price.

If the owner is between these ages, we have access to a more affordable insurance for our car. If in our family we have the possibility that the owner is among this age group, we could save up to 40% on our auto insurance.

Based on car insurance value, while newer your car, the less you pay monthly. Unlike taxes, where newer your vehicle the more you will pay. If your car is brand new, you can access a comprehensive insurance for the same price that a liability insurance.

In the case of one single vehicle, you will pay the list price. If we have two vehicles, we can save up to 10% as it is considered a “fleet”. The more cars we have insured, the greater our bargaining power with the insurance company.

To sum up, in the past three years, the average cost of car insurance at least increased by 30% in value of the monthly quote (fee).

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5 ways to save money on your car insurance 1

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