Does the Teacher Needs High Salary for More or Better Teaching or Learning?

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Learning is the key to everyone’s success and teaching has a very important role in learning. The only problem in the education system is budget some of the countries education system are poor and has a very low budget but it’s students and teachers are really eager to learn and teach.

The question now is that does teaching will have a better results if you have a better pay. I guess that some would have argued that teaching per se doesn’t need to have a better pay because education really is priceless. However teacher’s needs for basic necessities must need to be taken care off and those basic necessities sometimes is very high.

Teacher’s salaries in some of the countries are very low and much lower than a minimum wage. We have come up with a data comparison in the infographic that in some of the countries that has a higher education budget has a higher chance of a very good learning and teaching skills versus those countries that has a lower budget for education. And also that a higher budget education for teachers will have a great impact in their student. It is more likely that a higher paid teacher that his students will have a high chance of going to college and a higher chance of having a job.

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teacher salaries

Source: masterofartsinteaching

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