The Average Cost of a Bachelor’s Degree Around the World (Infographic)

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With the demand for higher education going up, the Bachelor’s degrees are growing unaffordable to average people in the societies. The earning capabilities shoot up to a whole new level with a Bachelor’s and results in an inflow of at least a million more during a lifetime (active age of 25-64).

Amazingly, basic necessities of a daily living like the food and medicine rose by 3.5 and 7 times compared to the education which rose by 12 times, which itself indicates the rising demand for better education in the US.

The costliest higher education is offered by the US at an average of 26,000 bucks while it is lowest in Mexico at an average of even less than 1000 bucks. The highest tuition fee is charged by Columbia University with a fee of about 45,000 US dollars.

A major in women studies from the George Washington university is about 40,000, for which, one has strive hard to find a decent job and is the world’s costliest job that does not guarantee a job.

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the average cost of a bachelor's degree around the world 1

Source: educationrequirements

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