10 Fabulous Ways Meditation is Good for You

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By now you must have heard that people are using meditation as a stress-reliever, as something people do in yoga class, or even as a way to increase focus. But did you know that its benefits have been scientifically studied? Research on meditation and health, happiness and the brain is showing that meditations’s benefits extend beyond just simple stress-relief. The impact of calming the mind makes us more attentive and less anxious and depressed. It also sharpens our memory and attention and even boosts our immunity. Meditation even seems to boost the brain in various ways. That sounds like a lot of return on investment for an exercise that involves sitting down and chilling out. What’s not to like about that? Check out the following info graphic for a summary of the latest research on meditations’ benefits.

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10 fabulous ways meditation is good for You 1Source: emmaseppala

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