Digital Photography 101

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Since the advent of the smartphone almost everyone has turned into an amateur photographer. The world is capturing images at an astonishing rate and the barriers to entry have all but vanished. For some though, the smartphone isn’t enough.

Have you ever thought about what it might take to get to the point where you can capture jaw-dropping images? How about setting up a freelance business and charging for photography services?

Every new digital camera comes with an owner’s manual and sure it’s not too difficult to learn just by practicing, but eventually every photographer worth their salt must be able to switch from auto to manual mode.

This infographic from The Backdrop Store covers all the ins and outs for those ready to take the leap. It discusses basics such as ISO, shutter speed, exposure compensation, and even a few thornier topics.

There’s no quick fix to cure bad photography habits, but a cheat sheet can sure do a lot to help. Find a camera, study up, and get busy!

(Click on the image for full view)

digital photography

Source: backdropstore

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