How Mobile is arresting most Emails globally (Infographic)

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2013 is a year of mobile revolution! Technological advancement allows smartphone users to be extra smart. With the changing times, marketers too are adapting techniques that arrest their customers’ top of the mind space. Apart above the line promotions, marketers are also adapting to below the line techniques like email marketing.

Moreover, till 2012 very less companies aimed at mobile optimised emails leading to loss of many of the loyal subscribers and in turn the ROI. There is a continuous battle going around to win the hearts of mobile users by creating and launching successful email communications for mobile.

There was a very interesting infographic that I chanced upon that talk about how to unriddle the mobile email conundrum catching up with the responsive mobile email design. As mobile email is in vogue for 2013, there are coding techniques like responsive mobile email that allows the marketers to make same email view differently in different devices and web environments.

Few stats included in the infographic are:

–          43% of Emails are read over the phones and this is expected to rise to more than 50% by the end of 2013!

–          73% of the people from USA check their emails on smartphones.

–          43% of mobile email users check their emails four or more times per day, compared to only 29% of those who do not use mobile email.

–          Mobile or Smart-phone usage is more prevalent in the morning and evening hours.

Infographic delineates the current state of the market shares of various email clients Calculated from 205 million opens tracked by Litmus Email Analytics in April 2013. These stats are very latest and not available elsewhere.

For those who do not understand the technical coding methods, infographic precisely puts across responsive mobile email definition to it’s viewers. According to the infographic, Responsive email design uses CSS3 media queries to display different layouts of an email depending on the size of the viewing screen. You can display or hide elements for a true mobile experience.

(Click on the Image For Full View)

how mobile is arresting most emails globally 1Source: emailmonks

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