Fruit at Work

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Potato chips, cookies, and maybe even a candy bar are usually the first things to come to mind when it’s snack time. Vending machines and cafeterias do not typically stock an extensive variety of healthy office snacks. Unfortunately, these types of unhealthy snacks lead to health problems, such as heart attacks, diabetes, and strokes.

Introducing healthy snacks for the office can improve your employees’ overall health. Working eight or more hours a day makes it challenging to eat right unless. However, when healthy options exist, employees tend to choose snacks that boost their metabolism and pack in the nutrients. For instance, employers can make a shift toward wholesome snacks by regularly ordering a fruit box for the office break room.

Workplace health promotion is an essential technique way to improve health and productivity. The employer benefits for promoting healthy snacks in the office, such as fresh fruit, include increased productivity and enhanced performance. Here are a few interesting facts about promoting healthy eating in the workplace.

• A recent study showed that healthy employeesare 20 percent more productive than unhealthy one.
• Employees who stay fit report fewer sickness absences than those consideredoverweight.
• Providing healthy snacks in the office, such as a fruit box, shows you care about the health of your employees,and they will feel more appreciated and motivated.
• The natural sugars in fruit promote quick thinking and increase alertness. That eliminates afternoon energy slumps.

Check out the infographic below to get a better idea of how the benefits of eating more fruit at work have a positive impact on office productivity.

(Click on the image for full view)

natures candy

Source: fruitguys

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