How Weightlifters Get Their Nutritional Needs

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Aspiring and competitive weightlifters pair their training with a particular diet designed to optimise and enhance performance. This infographic outlines the essential dietary elements and their ideal consumption.

Protein is the core of the weightlifter’s diet as it helps rebuild muscle damage and improves body composition in men and women. The addition of complex carbohydrates helps delay the onset of muscle fatigue, so the body avoids burning protein and other fuel sources.

Consume protein at every meal – including soy, eggs, chicken and beef – and choose high protein snacks in between. A protein supplement also ensures high-quality intake and the appropriate intake each day. Add in complex carbohydrates like sweet potato, pulses and whole grains to round out the meal. Consider a mass gainer to support this and a creatine supplement to help bulk up.

Use this as a guide, but remember to listen to your body and its needs.

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How Weightlifters Get Their Nutritional Needs


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