Most Common Pests in Toronto

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During summer and spring, when the weather is warmer, pest control
in Toronto becomes critical. There’s an influx of cockroaches, bed bugs, ants,
wasps, rodents and more. Fortunately for your, this guide outlines details of the
six most common pests in Toronto, their health risks, and how to go about
getting rid of them.

Bed bugs

During summer, bed bugs hit Toronto hard to the point it has
earned a reputation as bed bug capital of Canada. Bed bugs are tiny flightless
insects that feed on human and animal blood. They are passed on through infected
objects and clothing. They spread rapidly; a female bed bug is known to produce
up to 200 eggs in her life span.

How to get rid of bed bugs

  • Hire a professional pest control company
  • Ensure infected areas are vacuum cleaned
  • Before receiving packages makes sure they are inspected for bugs
  • Wash and dry infected beddings to kill bed bugs and their eggs.


Cockroaches are invasive insects with two central nervous
systems. One is located in the head while the other is in the tail. This helps
them survive very tough conditions. For survival, cockroaches only require
water warmth and dark, damp areas to breed. They are notorious for causing
allergies and carrying diseases that affect humans.

How to prevent cockroaches

  • Consult the services of a professional pest removal company
  • Clean kitchen surfaces and cabinets
  • Dry water spills in bathtub area, sink or floor
  • Ensure all food sources are closely sealed


Ants are natural explorers and will get into your home, searching
for protein and starch-rich foods. They access your home through entry points
such as cracks, openings, vents, insulation, windows, and doors. The carpenter
ant species is notorious for causing significant structural damage over time.
Ants will also contaminate your food with illness-causing germs.

How to prevent ants:

  • Hire a pest control service
  • Ensure garbage bins and bags are tightly secured
  • Avoid leaving pet food,and other food sources open.
  • Repair cracks and openings
  • Practice regular cleaning habits

House Flies

These insects measure around 3mm to 9mm long. They have two
sets of wings. One pair is for flying while the other is for balance and stability.
These invasive insects feed on compost materials and rotten food. Before they
eat, they regurgitate to help liquefy their meal for easy ingestion. Housefly’s
carry bacteria in their stomach harmful to humans. They are known to cause at
least 65 diseases to humans.

How to prevent house flies

  • Hire a pest removal expert
  • Avoid leaving food exposed
  • Regularly clean kitchen surfaces
  • Seal all entry points with fly screen


Rodents are popular in Toronto, especially during the warmer
months of the year. Rats and mice have the capability to cause significant
damage to property worth thousands of dollars in repair. They are expert climbers
and will get to your roof and attic through trees and cables. The best
indicator of the rodent population in your property is their droppings. They
are known to transmit diseases through bites or droppings they leave behind.

How to prevent rodents

  • Hire a professional pest removal service
  • Check entry points
  • Avoid leaving food sources outside
  • Eliminate clutter inside and outside your home.
  • Rodent proof your home


Wasps are very popular in Toronto. They are both aggressive
and invasive insects that come with the constant threat of stings. They inflict
painful stings that can be deadly for individuals with allergies.

How to keep wasps away

  • Consult the services of a pest removal company
  • Seal and secure all entry points
  • Ensure all windows, doors, vinyl, and vents are properly sealed
  • Declutter and clean your home, keep garbage properly sealed throughout.

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Source: Pest Control Toronto

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