How does SERP ranking impact click-through rates?

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This infographic summarises how SERP rankings can impact click-through rates. Some of the ways a business might increase their click-through rate include:
  1. Improving your call-to-action (e.g. favour specific, benefit-driven CTAs such as “Download your free copy” rather than generic CTAs such as “Click Here”);
  2. Adjusting your keywords to more narrowly target a specific audience;
  3. Rewriting your meta-descriptions to make them sound more relevant and enticing;
  4. Updating the visual design elements of your ads where applicable (colours, images, etc).
When it comes to PPC campaigns, search engines tend to give preference to PPC paid ads and links that have a good CTR, so you should always be working on trying to improve click-through rates, as there can be a cumulative effect.
Knowing your click-through rates can also help you to make informed decisions about how to improve your ads.
For example, you may be able to improve your PPC click through rate by measuring the CTR of two different ads you have created for the same product or service (split-testing). This can show you which type of ad works best for you, whether potential customers may have developed banner blindness, whether your clickbait headline is working for or against you, or whether your clicktag is increasing engagement. Such information will then enable you to optimise future ad copy, to further increase CTR and conversions.
Benchmarks such as these can be useful for comparing your own CTR, to gauge whether or not you need to make significant changes to your ads.

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